Sexual Behavior and Substance Use among Young People in Nepal: What Roles Do Families Play?

Jyotsna Tamang, Australian National University

This paper examines influence of family in the sexual behavior and substance use among young people in Nepal. The paper uses data from a national survey conducted among 8153 young people in 2010 and a qualitative study conducted among young people by the author. Preliminary analysis shows that individual factors such as age, caste/ethnicity and exposure to alcohol and pornography was significantly associated with sexual intercourse. With regards to substance use, residence, employment status, ethnicity and education level are the main predictors. Particularly, those who reported lower parental monitoring such as not asking permission to go out of the house and providing partial information on their friends were more likely to be involved in substance use. Qualitative results reveal that parental control and support is prominent in decisions to use substance use. The findings suggest that programs directed to promoting health and well-being of young people should involve their parents.

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Presented in Poster Session 4: Children and Youth/Population and Aging