Are the Family Planning Messages Really Effective in Improving Family Planning Indicators in India
Akansha Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
This study is an attempt to look into the effect of exposure to family planning messages on family planning indicators in India. The data for currently married women aged 15-49 from two rounds of NFHS surveys in India and its states namely Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu was used. Bivariate and probit regression analysis was used to assess the significance of the messages on family planning indicators. The propensity score method is used to estimate the effect and difference in family planning indicators by exposure to messages. Family planning messages delivered through television and print media sources has been effective in improving the performance of family planning indicators. The average treatment effect shows that exposure to family planning messages are having more effect in improving the intention to use family planning while its effect on contraceptive use is lesser and non-uniform in India and both the states.
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Presented in Poster Session 9: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health