Scavenger Hunt for Information and Services about Sexual and Reproductive Health among Middle Class People in Delhi, India

Emme Edmunds, Cornell University

Many middle class Delhi-ites must actively hunt for and assemble pieces of information while attempting to get the vital sexual health information they need. Interviews and subsequent ethnographic participant observation provided primary data, including purchasing preventive products and receiving diagnostic STI testing. Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender people were actively recruited for interviews and grounded theory methodology was used to analyze responses. Most respondents had some ideas of prevention regarding HIV/AIDS, had little or no knowledge about other STIs, and finding diagnostic test services for STIs was difficult and critically lacking in privacy. All respondents were aware of condoms and emergency contraceptive pills (EC), but were reluctant to purchase supplies proactively, and unable to identify providers to whom questions could be addressed. Overall, LGBT respondents and their friends had more reliable information than their non-LGBT connected peers. Confidential, private access to reliable providers, products, services and information are needed.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 9: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health