Factors Influencing Antenatal Health Care Utilization in Bangladesh: Evidence from Multivariate Techniques

M. Sheikh Giashuddin, Jagannath University
Mohamed Kabir, Jahangirnagar University
Ahbab Mohammad Fazle Rabbi, European Doctoral School of Demography (EDSD) and Bangladesh University of Textiles

This study examined factors associated with antenatal care seeking behavior of Bangladeshi women. Using the data of Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2011, multivariate techniques have been applied to identify significant determinant of ANC utilization of Bangladeshi women. Application of factor analysis revealed five factors as underlying aspect behind ANC seeking behavior. Besides biological aspects, women's autonomy and other socio-economical factors play significant role on ANC seeking behavior. Linear discriminant analysis clarified the competence of obtained factors as obtained factors are accurate for approximately 70 percent observations. Evidently, these findings will help program interventions to enhance the ANC seeking behavior of Bangladeshi women. Special focus is needed on women in high risk groups such as women in higher parities and women from poor families to reduce maternal mortality and to achieve the MDG 5 for maternal mortality.

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Presented in Poster Session 7: Health and Mortality of Women, Children and Families