A Mixed Methods Study of Coerced First Sex in Young Adults from Cebu, Philippines
Sonny A. Bechayda, University of San Carlos
Subasri Narasimhan, University of California, Los Angeles
Socorro A. Gultiano, University of San Carlos
Josephine L. Avila, University of San Carlos
Using Systematic Anomalous Case Analysis and the constant comparative method, we analyzed in-depth interviews of 48 male and female respondents involved in the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Study (CLHNS) in the Philippines, to explore characteristics surrounding coerced first sexual experiences, as well as possible gender differences with regard to these characteristics. We found coerced first sex narratives in five of the interviews, four of which were with women. Themes found in narratives of coerced first sex experiences included: 1) Uncertainty and ambivalence that coercion happened, 2) Alcohol consumption as promoting opportunities for sexual coercion, 3) Relationship inequality, 4) Coercive first sex experiences could be unplanned, 5) Embarrassment, 6) Fatalism, and 7) Assurances as an element in sexual coercion. Findings confirmed results of other studies in the Philippines regarding the gender differential in experiences of coerced first sex.
Presented in Poster Session 9: Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health