Moving to Heterogeneity: Sources of Individual Mobility for Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics
Seth A. Williams, Bowling Green State University
Raymond R. Swisher, Bowling Green State University
Jorge Chavez, Bowling Green State University
Danielle C. Kuhl, Bowling Green State University
Researchers have documented the emergence of increasingly racially-heterogeneous neighborhoods in recent decades.While previous studies have tended to focus on minority residential contact with whites as a desirable outcome under the assumptions of the spatial assimilation model, the present study focuses on sources of individual mobility into integrated neighborhoods of varying racial and ethnic compositions. Using Waves I and IV of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, this study advances research on residential segregation by investigating the influences of family and neighborhood contexts in adolescence, human capital, and life course transitions on residential mobility into integrated neighborhoods in early adulthood. Furthermore, we develop a more nuanced portrait of individual mobility by examining differential pathways for blacks, whites, and Hispanics, and utilizing neighborhood racial and ethnic classifications that extend beyond the traditional black/white binary.
See paper
Presented in Session 54: Residential Mobility and Dynamics of Segregation