Differences in the Progression of Disability: A U.S.-Mexico Comparison
Carlos Díaz-Venegas, University of Texas at Galveston
Timothy A. Reistetter, University of Texas at Galveston
Objectives: This paper seeks to establish if the progression of disability in Mexico is different from the US and to examine possible reasons for these differences to occur. Data/Methods: The data come from the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS) and from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), two national samples of Mexican and US adults aged 50 or older. Ordinal logistic regressions for each country are used to examine the progression of disability: 1) no limitations, 2) limitations in mobility, 3) limitations in mobility and IADLs, 4) limitations in mobility and ADLs, 5) limitations in all three, and 6) death. Results: The progression of disability, especially with two limitations, differs by gender in Mexico but is consistent for both genders in the US. Discussion: We speculate that the difference in lifetime risk profiles and cultural context might be responsible for the divergent model for males and females in Mexico.
See paper
Presented in Poster Session 5: Adult Health and Mortality