Intimate Partner Violence and Contraceptive Behaviors among Young Women
Yasamin Kusunoki, University of Michigan
Jennifer S. Barber, University of Michigan
Heather Gatny, University of Michigan
Robert Melendez, University of Michigan
We examine the effects of intimate partner violence (IPV) on young women’s contraceptive behaviors, using longitudinal data from a weekly journal-based study of 1003 18-19 year old women spanning two and half years. We use these dynamic data to investigate hypotheses about the dynamic processes of IPV, with a focus on three time-dimensions of IPV: current week, history with current partner, and history with prior partners. We find that young women used less contraception, and used it less consistently, during weeks in which they experienced violence, and more generally, with current partners who were ever violent. Violence was associated with less pill and condom use, and more withdrawal. Although women experiencing violence have higher rates of IUD use than those not experiencing violence, IUD use is very low among both populations. Violent relationships increase the risk of unintended pregnancy because they involve less, less consistent, and less effective contraceptive use.
See paper
Presented in Session 40: Couples and Contraceptive Use