Estimation of Disease Specific Age Pattern of Mortality and Life Expectancy in India

Akansha Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Laishram Ladusingh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

Our objective is to estimate age specific death rate and life expectancy for the major disease group; non-communicable diseases and others. The method used to obtain these estimates combines age specific death rate with age specific prevalence of disease and relative risk of suffering from that disease. Data from the Sample Registration System and National Sample Survey Data for year 1995-96 and 2004 is used to accomplish this study. Over time decline in death rate for the non-communicable diseased population was significantly lower than other diseases. Life expectancy among other disease population is higher than life expectancy among non-communicable disease population. The increase in life expectancy for the non-communicable disease population from 1995-96 to 2004 is not significant and much lower among males. Eliminating non-communicable disease mortality significantly increases life expectancy at birth and maximum gain is observed at age 60 in 2004 (Males: 4.4 years; Females: 3.8 years).

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Presented in Poster Session 5: Adult Health and Mortality