Semen Quality as Predictor of Mortality in a German Andrology Out-Patient Cohort: Biomedical vs. Life-with-Children Pathways of Influence
Ronny Westerman, University of Marburg
Katharina Belting, University of Marburg
Sabine Groos, University of Marburg
Hanna Seydel, University of Marburg
Walter Krause, University of Marburg
Ulrich O. Mueller, University of Marburg
There are few studies on semen quality and survival, none of them having information on biological children. Such information is indispensible for distinguishing direct: semen quality may be a biomedical vitality marker - and indirect influences behind such an association: men with poor semen have fewer own children and may live riskier lives. Extending our previous database (Groos et al 2006) we have 2294 men born before 31.12.1941, without co-morbidity, undergoing semen analysis at the University Hospital in Marburg 1949-1995. Of 1397 we have the vitalstatus until 31.12.2010: 571 dead, 826 alive. Regional or semen parameter dependent selection of loss-to-follow-up was excluded. We compare mortality of normal-semen with subnormal- semen men, fitting a Gompertz-Gamma-Frailty Model, the standard parametrical model for advanced ages mortality, controlling for own children. We found semen quality, in particular concentration below 15 Mill/cm² independently of reproductive success being a marker of reduced survival.
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Presented in Poster Session 5: Adult Health and Mortality