Demographic and Socio-Economic Determinants of Birth Interval Dynamics and Occupation in Cameroon: A Hazard Function Analysis
Kelodjoue Samuel, University of Dschang
The main objective of this study is to identify factors affecting interval between marriage, level of female occupation and first child and that of second child in Cameroon. Data are drawn from a DHS-type survey ( married women conducted in 1998, 2004, 2011). Using life table analysis, Cox, and Weibull Regression techniques, significant differences in hazard ratios are found regarding the first child. Couples appear to be under social pressure to prove their fertility by bearing a child within a short time after marriage. Multivariate analysis reveals labor force participation, age at marriage, current age and education as the main factors affecting postponment of first child. They also show that women with different socio–demographic characteristics have different hazard ratios of giving birth to the second child. Age, level of education, survival of first child and age of mother at first delivery are the major factors affecting postponement of second child.
Presented in Session 1: Fertility Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa