Fatherhood and Changes in Men’s Second Union Formation in Norway, France and Hungary
Lívia Murinkó, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute
Ivett Szalma, Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences
We investigate the changing influence of fatherhood on the re-partnering of men in three European countries, building hypotheses for different subgroups of men based on the general arguments of need, attractiveness and opportunity. Data from the first wave of the Generations and Gender Survey for France (2005), Norway (2007/8) and Hungary (2004/5) are analysed using piecewise exponential event history models. The analysis complements earlier literature by focusing on men, taking a comparative perspective, looking at change over time, considering both cohabiting and marital unions, and also differentiating between residential and non-residential fatherhood. Findings show that the probability of re-partnering has not changed for childless men since the 1980s but it has increased for Norwegian fathers and for men with co-resident children in all three countries. Non-residential fatherhood has a negative effect in Hungary and France. Findings are discussed in view of country-specific family-related attitudes, child care policies and parenting practices.
See paper
Presented in Session 146: Repartnering and Stepfamilies