The Caregiving Responsibilities of Retirees: What Are They and How Do They Affect Retirees’ Well-Being?
Charlene M. Kalenkoski, Texas Tech University
Eakamon Oumtrakool, Texas Tech University
This paper uses data from the 2010 and 2012 American Time Use Survey (ATUS) and Well-being Modules to examine the effects of caregiving on well-being for the retired population. The effects of caring for household children, caring for non-household children, caring for household adults, and caring for non-household adults are examined. The data show that caring for non-household children increases meaning and happiness for the caregiver, that caring for non-household adults increases happiness for the caregiver, and that engaging in care of non-household children and non-household adults reduces sadness and pain. However, engaging in care of household adults increases stress. Engaging in care of non-household children and non-household adults is positively associated with health. Thus, with the exception of the stress induced by caring for household adults, the results suggest that caregiving by retirees enhances their well-being rather than reduces it.
See paper
Presented in Poster Session 4: Children and Youth/Population and Aging